New blog theme: improved svbtle

I’ve just changed the theme for my blog. I haven’t changed it in some time, the last time would most likely have been around 2–3 years ago. Why did I change it? I’ve always been a fan of minimal design and the previous theme became unappealing to me. This was particularly apparent on mobile devices. So to the details. The theme in use is “improved-wp-svbtle”, based on “wp-svbtle”, which in turn was based on Dustin Curtis’ svbtle. Kudos to Andrei! [edit: I found some cracks. Time to try out some other themes.]


Hello. I’m Sasha Ger­rand, a soft­ware developer. I design and cre­ate high volume trans­ac­tional tech­no­logy (along with other things). I write code in Open Source pro­gram­ming lan­guages. I do things with data sources and trans­ac­tional sys­tems. I use vir­tu­al­ised machines for my server envir­on­ments. I spend a fair pro­por­tion of my days liv­ing in the shell. I like POSIX com­pli­ant oper­at­ing sys­tems and FOSS products.