
It’s Monday morning, and I am still recovering from the Elefant Trax 10 year anniversary party. Massive night, awesome tunes and a wicked vibe throught the area. One of the best Australian hip hop nights that I’ve ever been to, so big up to the ET crew. Looking forward to the next one next decade!


Hello. I’m Sasha Ger­rand, a soft­ware developer. I design and cre­ate high volume trans­ac­tional tech­no­logy (along with other things). I write code in Open Source pro­gram­ming lan­guages. I do things with data sources and trans­ac­tional sys­tems. I use vir­tu­al­ised machines for my server envir­on­ments. I spend a fair pro­por­tion of my days liv­ing in the shell. I like POSIX com­pli­ant oper­at­ing sys­tems and FOSS products.