debtakeover was not quite as helpful as I’d envisaged it would be. Losing glibc on a remote box is generally as bad as it gets.
Installing xserver-xgl did me over for about 3 hours today. Not a recommended install for the unwary!
tag to your markup that only references an external source file (so distant from the head
and body
tags), make sure that you have an empty string in the block for CGI.pm to taste. Self closed tags other than img
and friends? Browser don’t play dat.
Here’s a snippet of what I referred to:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
my $o = new CGI;
print $o->script({-src=>'/path/to/script/file'},'');
Without that empty set of quotes, CGI.pm gives you this output: <script src="/path/to/script/file" />
. Once the empty string is in there, however, things work as expected: <script src="/path/to/script/file"></script>