Lightweight email delivery for an Ubuntu server

Nobody really wants to deal with email delivery beyond relaying it off to a remote host these days. I mean, c’mon! It’s 2011, not 2001! Even the more configurable MTAs like Exim and Postfix are overkill when you just want a system to be able to send email out. 

That’s why these days, I just install mailx and sSMTP.

sudo apt-get install bsd-mailx ssmtp

You’ll need to configure sSMTP with at least the hostname of the remote server to relay outgoing mail to, but otherwise that’s it. Simple. 


Hello. I’m Sasha Ger­rand, a soft­ware developer. I design and cre­ate high volume trans­ac­tional tech­no­logy (along with other things). I write code in Open Source pro­gram­ming lan­guages. I do things with data sources and trans­ac­tional sys­tems. I use vir­tu­al­ised machines for my server envir­on­ments. I spend a fair pro­por­tion of my days liv­ing in the shell. I like POSIX com­pli­ant oper­at­ing sys­tems and FOSS products.